

These colorful posters make the learning process much more enjoyable. They promote discussions around important topics and areas of learning that build a connection between the children and the real world.


These colorful posters make the learning process much more enjoyable. They promote discussions around important topics and areas of learning that build a connection between the children and the real world.

Vivre le français EB1

Eight double-sided posters that allow the student to: describe a place, characters and objects from an iconographic document, as part of communication; say what the characters are doing and give his opinion; say words and dictate a text to the teacher; know how to listen to others and politely ask to take the floor while …

Vivre le français EB1 Read More »

Vivre le français EB2

Nine double-sided posters: a primer poster and eight double-sided posters (dialogue pages and storytelling pages). For further information, please refer to our website in its French version.

Au jardin des couleurs GS

Forty-five R/V posters (25×35 cm) to illustrate the stories and make the learning experience much more enjoyable. For further information, please refer to our website in its French Version.