Christina Kapp

Builders Grade 2

The Audio CD includes recordings of the fiction and nonfiction story for each unit and can be used to foster whole-class listening comprehension practice and oral communication activities.

Builders Grade 2

Phonics Cards for each unit contain teaching materials and classroom activities.

Builders Grade 2

A workbook that provides hands-on practice in reading skills, phonics, grammar, reading comprehension, and writing.

Builders Grade 2

A workbook that provides hands-on practice in reading skills, phonics, grammar, reading comprehension, and writing.

Builders Grade 2

A workbook that provides hands-on practice in reading skills, phonics, grammar, reading comprehension, and writing.

Builders Grade 2

Each Student Textbook unit is organized around a Big Idea, which provides students with a cohesive theme for the content. Each lesson in that unit then asks students to consider an Essential Question tied to that Big Idea. In keeping with current research in English reading pedagogy, Builders Grade 2 also pairs engaging fiction and …

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Builders Grade 1

Designed to inspire and aid, the Bricks and Stones Teacher’s Guide is a valuable and user-friendly resource. It provides useful training that enables and assists teachers in integrating the program’s principles into the entire learning experience. The Guide also includes comprehensive support for every element of the student course of study, as well as in-depth, …

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Builders Grade 1

The Digital Textbook – Teacher’s Version:  is user-friendly and tailored to both teachers’ and students’ needs; includes the entire textbook that can be projected in class to enhance interactivity and personalize lessons; includes all educational components (audio CD, video, teacher’s guide…); can be used with either a projector or an Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) ; is …

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Builders Grade 1

The Audio CD includes songs, rhymes, and poems created to foster whole-class listening comprehension practice and oral communication activities.

Builders Grade 1

Phonics Cards for each unit containing teaching materials and classroom’ activities.