Abdallah Fawaz

Espaces littéraires CS1

An audio CD with recordings for listening comprehension and oral expression. For further information, please refer to our website in its French Version.

Espaces littéraires CS1

[Description] The Digital Textbook – Teacher’s Version: is user-friendly and tailored to both teachers’ and students’ needs; includes the entire textbook that can be projected in class to enhance interactivity and personalize lessons; includes all educational components (audio CD, video, teacher’s guide…); can be used with either a projector or an Interactive Whiteboard (IWB); is …

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Espaces littéraires CS1

A guide that helps teachers structure the teaching sequence, interact with students, and handle questions and answers, among others. For further information, please refer to our website in its French Version.

Espaces littéraires CS2 Scientifique

A book composed of six pedagogical sequences that aim at developing culture, communication skills, and working methods. For further information, please refer to our website in its French Version.

Espaces littéraires CS2 Scientifique

An audio CD with recordings for listening comprehension and oral expression. For further information, please refer to our website in its French Version.

Espaces littéraires CS2 Scientifique

The Digital Textbook – Teacher’s Version is user-friendly and tailored to both teachers’ and students’ needs; includes the entire textbook that can be projected in class to enhance interactivity and personalize lessons; includes all educational components (audio CD, video, teacher’s guide…); can be used with either a projector or an Interactive Whiteboard (IWB); is offered …

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Espaces littéraires CS2 Scientifique

A teacher’s guide that suggests pedagogical guidelines that can be adapted to different teaching and learning situations. For further information, please refer to our website in its French Version.

Espaces littéraires CS3 Socio-économie

A book designed for French-speaking learners. It follows the French program guidelines, such as textual typology, writing techniques, genres, and literary movements. For further information, please refer to our website in its French Version.

Espaces littéraires CS3 Socio-économie

The Digital Textbook – Teacher’s Version: is user-friendly and tailored to both teachers’ and students’ needs; includes the entire textbook that can be projected in class to enhance interactivity and personalize lessons; includes all educational components (audio CD, video, teacher’s guide…); can be used with either a projector or an Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) ; is offered …

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